White Rose Maths
At Horsell Junior School, we teach Mathematics by following White Rose Maths across the school. Each year group teaches 5 maths lessons per week using the scheme, resources and pupil workbooks. Daily, children will retrieve their previous/key learning by completing Fluency questions as a starter before beginning the days learning. During the input children will complete a range of questions to develop, deepen and expand their learning- symbols will help the children know whether they need to use resources, talk partners or to give a worded example as a response.
To challenge and extend our learners, children are provided with problem Chilli Challenges to solve during the lesson on a traffic light red, yellow, green system and they record their findings in Maths journals.
At the end of each unit children will complete an end of unit assessment based on what they’ve just learnt and this information will be gathered and discussed with Year teams to identify any next steps or requirements for individual children.