Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Vision Statement
Inclusion Vision Statement
At Horsell C of E Junior School we want everyone feel that they belong and are respected and valued for who they are. We have high expectations for all but also give support when needed, so that everyone achieves their best. We will work towards removing barriers to enable all children to feel that they are a part of the whole school community, where everyone will make a contribution to success for all. Our aim is for all children to grow up to be respectful, caring, adults who will participate and contribute to their community, economically, socially and culturally.
Queries about SEND should initially be sent to a child's class teacher. Our SENCO, Mr Stevenson, can be contacted on inclusion@horsell-junior.surrey.sch.uk. Emails to this account will be responded to within 5 working days.
We know that children with additional needs and SEN may require further to support to stay and feel safe.
- The school has a filtering and monitoring system to ensure that computing use is safe in school. Additional Online Safety lessons are taught within Apple.
- We have an art-based activity running in Redwood classroom at lunchtime to help support children who feel overwhelmed during a busy play time or find large social games tricky.
- Our school counsellor provides a highly personalised provision for children who require mental health support.
- We have children attending ELSA and Engage mentoring to support their self-esteem, resilience and to work through social/emotional targets.
- Our PSHE curriculum helps to support, assess and identify any children who may be vulnerable.
- Regular DSL meetings support discussion, action planning and a team response to vulnerable pupils and families.
- Our Apple Room provision (led by a qualified teacher) provides highly specialised interventions to children who have SEN and additional needs and who require support outside the main classroom learning.