Most pupils will have their needs met by quality first teaching (QFT).
All pupils’ progress is monitored on a regular basis, including discussions between classroom teachers, heads of year and the assessment leader. If a pupil is not making expected progress, they will be given further targeted support as part of QFT. This will also be monitored closely. If the targeted support does not result in progress, external advice and support will be sought, which might include professionals such as Specialist Teachers, Paediatricians, Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists etc.
Quality First Teaching (QFT) for all pupils
The following provisions are considered to be QFT.
- A differentiated curriculum.
- A differentiated delivery.
- Differentiated outcomes for the pupil’s work.
- Visual aids e.g. numicon, number lines, diagrams.
- Visual timetables either for the class or for an individual.
- Illustrated dictionaries, including those in other languages for bilingual pupils.
- Writing frames to support different writing genres.
- Alternative recording methods.
- Access to ICT and appropriate software e.g Chromebook/voice-to-text
- Grouping of children in class, learning partners, playground buddies.
- Spelling banks, vocabulary banks.
- Clear instructions on the interactive whiteboard or printed for an individual.
- Structured class and whole school routines.
- Use of symbols to aid understanding.
- Individual workstations.
- Whole school and class reward systems.
- Whole school and class behaviour policy.
- Circle time as part of PSHE curriculum.
- Whole school Mindfulness learning.
- Adapted resources.
- Desk slopes/ wobble cushions.
- Overlays/coloured paper.
Children with physical disabilities are supported through step-free access, working alongside external professionals so that physical and sensory needs can be met.