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Courageous Advocacy


Two of our school values are justice and service.  Following the example of our servant-king Jesus, we believe that we should, in practical ways, show love to our neighbour:

Listed below are some examples of charitable works undertaken by the school over the two years:

1. Reverse Advent Calendar:  Children donated items to local homeless charities through the month of Advent

2. Together with Music:  With this national charity, pupils have teamed up with a local OAP home to forge links with some of our older local residents

3. We have worked with the Horsell Common Preservation Society to raise awareness of local wildlife.

4. In 2022 - 2023, pupils were asked to vote for a local charity that they would like to support.  School council researched different local issues and the school decided to support LinkAble.  We were visited by the Director of the charity and school council went to the LinkAble centre to see the valuable work that the charity undertakes in the local community.

5. In 2023 - 2024, pupils voted to support the Lighthouse charity and donated to the Woking Food Bank.  School Council visited the Lighthouse in Woking and shared what they had learnt about the charity in a whole school assembly.

6. In November 2023, the school took part in a national campaign for climate justice and submitted artwork and music to promote awareness of this issue.

Courageous Advocacy

Children need to feel that their voice matters and that they can make a difference.  This is central to our school value of dignity.    Children can make their voices and opinions heard in the following ways:

1. School Council: Weekly, minuted meetings with the Headteacher

The House System: House captains, Prefects and other Year 6 pupils are given responsibility for organising events across the school 

3.  Eco-committee: Working hard to help us become a greener and more sustainable school

4. Pupil Voice conferences:  Subject Leaders regularly interview pupils about their subject and use this when writing subject reports and reviewing our curriculum offer

5. Assembly Ambassadors:  Pupils are given the opportunity to run Collective Worship in the school on a regular basis.

We now on a journey to become a Global Neighbours school.  Watch this space!