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  • 13/09/24

    Open Morning Bookings are now live! Please visit our Admissions page for details.

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  • 19/09/24

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 19th September

    Please find attached our weekly newsletter.  This includes links to all our meet the teacher information slides, as various other information.
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  • 23/07/24

    Horsell Heroes July 2024

    As we come to the end of our academic year, we can reflect on how far all of our students have progressed.  In our final edition of Horsell Heroes, we celebrate just some of their many and varied achievements.
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  • 12/07/24

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 11th July

    Please read this week for an overview of the last week of term.  This includes details about our competitive sports day, year 6 music performance, celebration evening, leavers' fete, awards ceremonies and leaves' assemblies.  It certainly will be a busy last week!
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  • 28/06/24

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 27th June 2024

    Please read for details about our sports day and competitive sports day next week.
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  • 21/06/24

    Weekly Focus 20th June 2024

    This week, please read for some important notices regarding new guidance from the DfE regarding attendance, and new prices on school lunches, which take effect from 1st September 2024.
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  • 13/06/24

    Weekly Focus, Thursday 13th June 2024

    This week, we have some reminders about next week's mufti day and summer fair donations.  We have some details about our upcoming sports days as well as an update on year 4's French Day and our popular inter-house chess tournament.
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  • 12/06/24

    Weekly Focus and Online Safety Newsletters, 6th June

    In this edition of the Weekly Focus, find out how year 3 and 5 have been studying the local environment, see some our Year 5s Tudor houses, get an update on our Year 6 residential trip and more!
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  • 24/05/24

    OPAL Bingo!

    We are delighted to launch our OPAL Bingo!  Each class are invited to bring in items on the Bingo sheet by 14th June.  Their teacher will tick off the bingo boxes as items are brought in.  Together, the children can earn their extra OPAL play time if they are able to make a row.
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  • 24/05/24

    Inclusion newsletter

    In our second inclusion newsletter this year, find out more about how we support our children through Young Carer groups, Apple class, ELSA and more.
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  • 24/05/24

    Horsell Heroes newsletter

    Our newsletter celebrates some of the achievements of our children both in and outside of school.  We are really proud of all of them!  
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  • 24/05/24

    Year Group newsletters, Summer Term 1

    Please find attached a newsletter for each of our year groups.  These newsletters look back at each year's learning this half term, and sets out key information about what is coming up in our final half term of this academic year.
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