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The Governors' ‘conduct the School with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the School’

The governors at Horsell Church of England Junior School ensure that the school provides the best possible education for each and every pupil within a Christian environment.  We place great emphasis on personal academic, creative and physical achievement and we encourage the development of lively and enquiring minds within a friendly and stimulating environment.  All children are valued as individuals, as we live out our belief that we are all 'created in the image of God', and self esteem is fostered.

In order to do this, we have a clear strategic direction linked to our promotion of the schools ethos and values. We are robust in our challenge to the Head and Senior Leadership Team, holding them to account to deliver the high standards of education and well being of all the children.  We ensure that we also have a high standard of governance through our evaluation and continual improvement of our collective responsibility. To do this, we make sure we are always up to date with current thinking and legal requirements, through courses run by the Diocese, together with full governing body training sessions.

All governors sit on committees and attend our termly full governing body meetings.

We are committed to the development of effective partnerships with other schools and we work closely with both Horsell Village Infant School and Woking High School to ensure a smooth transition between Key Stages.

We place our school at the heart of the community and participate in many local events.  The children thoroughly enjoy our link with St Mary's Church and the enrichment that brings to their lives. 

As with all Voluntary Aided Schools, when children join Horsell Junior parents are asked to contribute to the 'Governors' Fund.' This fund is used to fund 10% of any major capital project, such as the recent fencing work completed at the school.